Posted by on October 22, 2014

We can free ourselves to forgive.

This is the heart of my message today.

And I hope you feel inspired after you read this incredibly personal + heartfelt article…

I’ve long been dreaming of having my words published in Positively Positive {you’ve GOT to check out this site if it’s new to you…incredibly inspiring + insightful work here!}.

When I first submitted an essay, I was rejected. Graciously, yes. But still, it was a no.

That perfectionist part of me wanted to shrivel up and say screw it…you’re not good enough, just forget about it.

But that deeper part of me, the one that uplifts me + reminds me of who I really am, told me something different.

It told me that it’s okay to not get it right the first time. Just putting myself out there IS a success.

So, I tried again.

And again, my second submission was rejected.

It was with such kindness + respect, that it really didn’t hurt so badly…the content manager at Positively Positive was so supportive, that I knew with persistence I’d get published.

I took my time with my third submission. When I was on vacation with my girls + my mama last week in Idyllwild, I felt inspired.

I knew it was my time.

I wrote a deeply heartfelt piece about coming to terms with my father + beginning to forgive him after years of feeling angry, hurt, and rejected.

It all started with a brain tumor…

I’d be honored + grateful for you to read the story HERE, leave a comment on the blog + please share with your community {if you feel inspired!}.

So grateful for your presence + time + commitment to growing + becoming ever more who you desire to be.

Thank you, beautiful.

So much love,



We Can Free Ourselves to Forgive


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