Posted by on January 15, 2015

“The part can never be well unless the whole is well.” 


Hello Love!

So I recently wrote about the five things we need to stop doing this year. 

If you didn’t catch that blog, you can read it here.

I didn’t want to leave you with only the don’ts, so here are some fresh ideas for five things we gotta start {or continue!} doing this year.

Hoping these feel inspiring!


The more you shine

1. Drink more water

Truly, this is one of the most important things that we can do to stay healthy. Of course there are countless other practices to help boost our wellness, but drinking enough pure water each day is a simple and easy to implement habit that will transform the way our body feels and radically improve our wellbeing.

Inspired Action Step: Get your reusable water bottle, fill it up, and keep it with you everywhere you go. Drink at least one full bottle when you rise in the morning and then a few more throughout the day. Notice how this helps you stay in tune with what your body needs and how you are feeling. Drinking enough water also prevents us from eating food that we’re not necessarily hungry for in the first place. Start with water. It’s magic.

2. Practice gratitude daily

Give yourself a few minutes in bed before you rush to get your to do list handled to simply be present with the abundance already in your life. Appreciate the gift of awakening this day, the warmth of your bed, the roof over your head, the ability to move and breathe and be alive…create your own ritual for gratitude and implement it. Whether it’s every day when you wake or making a gratitude list in a journal before bed, just find a practice that feels inspired to you. This is the first step in attracting more of what we desire in our lives. Notice what you love. And look for more of what inspires you to give thanks.

Inspired Action Step: Choose a notebook or journal and a pen you love, then put them in a place where you’ll notice them each day. Perhaps by your bed, in your bag, on your counter. Maybe even add an event or note in your calendar to set aside a few minutes each day to give thanks. Notice how your awareness shifts and your heart feels ever more abundant when we consciously choose to look for the good.

3. Reconnect with nature

Nature is incredibly healing. Simply taking a walk on the sand, listening to the wooosh of the waves lapping at the ocean can uplift and inspire us to believe and breathe again. Walking through the woods, admiring the strength and hope of the trees can help us feel rooted and grounded. Even the act of putting our bare feet on the Earth, soles connected to our Mother, can remind us that we are alive and supported. Being in nature and recognizing the beauty and wonder that is all around has the power to boost our joy and transform our mindset.

Inspired Action Step: Commit to being in nature more often…maybe once a month, once a week, or preferably, every single day. Even if only for a few minutes or a few breaths, give yourself permission to feel the interconnectivity of everything in our world. Let nature affirm and remind you that we are one. And all is well.

4. Start dating yourself

The art of loving ourselves begins with liking who we are. So let’s start honoring the value of our own time and setting aside special dates to give ourselves the loving care we deserve. Maybe this is a few hours at a local cafe to read or write, maybe this is an evening at home alone dedicated to nurturing you, maybe this is one afternoon each month to take a walk through the hills and admire the world around you. Whatever feels right for you is perfect. Just decide that you are worth your time and commit to giving yourself time to be with just you.

Inspired Action Step: Take out your calendar and schedule a date with yourself at least once per month for the next three months. Be sure to write down the beginning and ending time as well as where you’ll be and what you’d like to do. Then stick with it and enjoy the practice of attending to and loving you ever more.

5. Prioritize what makes you happy

I love the quote from Carmel Morgan: Do more of what makes you happy. I believe that joy is probably the most important measure of success. If we’re rich in fame and fortune, but absent joy + happiness, then what is it all for? Choosing to do more of what makes you happy is important. Feeling happier means feeling more connected, more altruistic, more kind. Feeling happier frees you to be the kind of person you want to be in this world and to show up with that joie de vivre and energy for life that inspires everyone around you to live on purpose and create more meaning in their lives, too. It’s a win win. So give yourself permission to do more of what you want in your life…let go of those shoulds and say yes to more of what truly lights you up. The more you shine, the brighter the world is for all of us.

Inspired Action Step: Make a list of 10 things that bring a massive smile to your face and make you feel totally alive + energized. This is your happy list. Keep it somewhere you’ll see it…maybe on your mirror or in your wallet. Now use this list as a source of inspiration to plan fun activities. Schedule at least one of these activities on your calendar within the next three days. Then add at least one per week for the next month. Keep these plans a priority and hold that time as sacred and meaningful. Doing what makes you happy will bring more play + fun + ease into your life…and this will inspire ripples of love and joy all around you.

Now over to you: What will you integrate into your life this year to help you feel even happier?

Sending you so much love + appreciation for being on this journey with me,



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