Posted by on August 2, 2015

How we begin each day creates a foundation for how we live our lives.

Creating a strong foundation is essential to building something that will last the challenges of time.

No matter who we are, we are going to face struggle and challenge in our lives. The beauty is that we get to decide how we will respond to these struggles.

Will we crumble and feel overwhelmed?

Or will we stand strong, empowered and able to face the challenge with ease and grace?

My heartfelt hope is for all of us to see the challenge as an opportunity for growth, for truth, and for deeper understanding and love.

For us to move with more ease and grace through even our most challenging days.

To build that strong foundation in our lives, we can begin with building a strong foundation for our days.

This means establishing an inspired self lovin’ care routine that makes you want to live and thrive and feel stoked to be alive.

Today I want to share with you three simple things you can do right now to start feeling better than ever and create a powerful foundation for your day.


1. Appreciate.

Before you even move your body out of bed, take a moment to place your hand over your heart and give thanks. Go general if you’re feelin’ not so good…start with the basics that we often take for granted: this breath, this day, the sun, the moon, the stars, the sky, the air, the water, the birds, the Earth. Once you start feeling the love, then go specific…the sound of your daughter’s laughter, putting your feet on the earth at the beach yesterday, working with amazing women who light you up, feeling the embrace of the one you love. It doesn’t matter how grand or how simple it is, find something to appreciate and you will start your day with a powerful foundation of good feelings.


2. Drink water.

Keep a glass or bottle of water next to your bed {I prefer about two cups worth} to drink as soon as you begin your day. Having your water right next to you makes it really easy to follow through on this feel good practice that will awaken your body and support a healthy hydrated system. Giving yourself water when you rise replenishes your body after sleep and promotes your wellbeing all day long.


3. Say I love you.

When you make your way to the restroom to do your thing, take a few breaths to look at yourself in the mirror. Look into your own eyes. Think something kind about yourself, give yourself a compliment, and most importantly, say I love you. Like you mean it. Even if you don’t really wholeheartedly mean it at first, eventually you will. You’ll feel the love for you deep and true. And this will create a foundation of feel good confidence that will support you through all of life’s challenges with greater ease and grace.


Experiment with these and notice how you feel. Give yourself permission to feel good and let each rising feel like a gift. Because that’s truly what each day is.

Tell us in the comments what your favorite practices are for a good rising each day.

Wishing you ever expansive self awareness and love.



p.s. Here’s the pic and the post that inspired me to share this with you today…you can find me at denisedare43 on Instagram {because 43 means LOVE YOU…and that’s what this is all about!}. Click here to check out my feed. 😉


It’s amazing how feeling good on the inside can make us glow in the outside.

Nourishing foods, loving thoughts, rejuvenating rest, connecting with family and friends, feeling supported, focusing on positive self talk, living with passion, being in nature, and drinking plenty of good old fashioned water…all essential ingredients for a healthy & happy life.

I love that I feel good in the skin I’m in…without makeup (though I like to play with it sometimes!), just me, and without a filter!

Enjoying this lovely afternoon, now snuggling in bed to write and read and maybe watch a little something that inspires me…grateful for time to lounge and create and connect with the one I’ll share every moment of this life with…

Hoping you’re loving you, too.




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