Posted by on July 18, 2018

When things feel out of alignment, when life feels like a bit of a struggle, when you want something to be different, but feel kind of stuck focusing on the current reality of what is, then it’s time to try this technique.


I’ve used this practice many times in recent years and it’s always helped me to shift my focus and get into a receptive mode to allow my dreams and desires to manifest into reality.


There are so many different ways to visualize and manifest, this is just one practice that has worked for me…and I’m hoping may help you, too.


The first thing I do is get relaxed, centered and in a good feeling place. Often this means taking a barefoot walk on the beach, meditating, soaking in a hot bath, sky gazing, dancing, or being around people who inspire me.


When I’m in that high vibe energy where I can imagine what could be rather than focus only on what is, then I know it’s time.


From this feel good energy, I take out my journal or notebook or blank paper and let my words flow.


This could be in the form of a list or a bubble map or a journal entry; recently it’s come forth in an essay.


Whatever form it takes, my writing expresses the feelings, the sensations, the experiences I want to have in my life. I write from a place of already living the dream I have in my mind. For example, instead of writing “I want to live in a beautiful home by the ocean, where I can walk on the beach any time I like,” I write “I live in a beautiful home by the ocean and I walk on the beach any time I like.” Writing as if your dream is already your reality helps you get into a state of believing, which is necessary to receive and allow and claim all that you are wishing for.


A few years ago when I was feeling stuck in a state of overwhelm, I drove to the ocean, took off my shoes and started walking. I let the waves splash at my feet, imagining the water clearing my energy. I let my eyes gaze at the sky, giving thanks to the expansiveness of the universe and everything beyond. I let my breath be deep and slow.


This is like magic. A couple hours of solo reflecting, moving and connecting with nature and I was in a high vibe place. As soon as I got home, I took out a lovely marker and a blank sheet of paper, wrote at the top “I want to feel and be and have…” and then I just let it flow.


What poured out of me was a two column list of beautiful descriptive words expressing how I want to feel.


I kept this paper in a sacred space on my altar and would read it each morning, sometimes out loud, sometimes to myself, often looking at myself in the mirror, or sometimes closing my eyes after each word and allowing the feeling to wash over me.


Though I’m in a much different place now, I still sometimes pull out this dream list when I’m feeling stifled or stuck. It always helps me focus on what I want and in this focusing, I can open myself to receive what I want.


It’s not just a mystical understanding that what we focus on is what we see and experience. Our ability to focus gives us power to create. What we give our attention to will grow; whether it be a feeling, a plant, a creature, a relationship, a business, a habit, a dream.


Earlier this year I was feeling kind of stuck and powerless. So, after an especially enchanting beach walk, I pulled out my laptop and started to free flow with my words…I let everything pour out of me about what I wanted. I wrote from the perspective of everything already having manifested into my experience.


I keep this document on my desktop, so I can see and read and remember what’s in my heart and center myself in this energy of possibility and ease and abundance.


Clarifying how I want to feel and choosing my focus helps me to be true to myself and my vision for my life.


Words are powerful. It’s essential that we choose our words with care. Whether these words be in our thoughts, our communication with others or our own manifestation practices.


I invite and encourage you to find your way to high vibe energy and then take some time to reflect on how you want to feel and what you want to create in your life. This could be for a season, a year, or even just for today.


From this place, let your words flow in whatever way feels right for you. Allow these reflections to guide you as you hold space for your own dreams manifesting into your reality.


You hold the key and your word is your wand…let yourself make magic.


Wishing you dreams coming true and joy in the unfolding,



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