Posted by on November 18, 2018

When things fall apart, you have a new chance to put them back together…in a way that feels aligned and true and meaningful to who you are now.


When things fall apart, you are given a reminder to slow down, to allow yourself to rest, recalibrate and return to center.


When things fall apart, it’s a time to feel all the feelings, to hold space for yourself to deeply feel and process the experience, to be kind and gentle and loving with your process.


When things fall apart, you are being called to honor the most simple and profound of life’s beauty…the sweet smell of a rose, the rainbow hues of a sunset, the soothing purr of a kitten, the tender embrace of a hug from someone you love.


When things fall apart, it’s an opportunity to get clear about how you want to put your life back together. What you want to edit, revise, delete and add to your life experience, to your daily schedule, to your grand perspective.


When things fall apart, it’s the perfect time to reflect on who you want to be, the life you want to create, the dreams you still want to unfold.


When things fall apart, you are bolstered by your practices, by the habits you have built on the good days.


When things fall apart, you can be soothed by time in nature, by returning to the places that you’ve visited on the days when everything felt aligned and peaceful and okay. And as you return to these places, you walk these paths, you attune to the energies of knowing that everything is always working out for you.


When things fall apart, you must give yourself permission to receive support from the people you’ve built relationships with, from the circles and communities you’ve invested in, from the family and friends you’ve given to when you felt like you had an abundance to give.


When things fall apart, you remember to appreciate that which you often take for granted. The spectacular feeling of a hot shower cascading on your skin, the support of your bed through the sleeping night, the nourishment of fresh water, the blessing of another deep breath of air filling your lungs, the freedom to choose what you want to give your attention to.


When things fall apart, you can learn how to ask for help and receive it with a gracious heart.


When things fall apart, you must reconnect with the strength of faith and hope and trust.


When things fall apart, you have yet again been given the opportunity to love yourself in deeper, more profound, ever more meaningful ways.


When things fall apart, it is up to you how you decide you want to put them back together.


When things fall apart, may you connect with your power to create, to design, to live with intention and grace and love.


Wherever you are right now, whether immersed in love and joy and peace, thriving and feeling fulfilled, whether doing okay making your way through each day, whether feeling stuck in the midst of chaos and everything falling apart…wherever you are right now, may the foundation you’ve built sustain you, may the gift of hope inspire you, may the choice to love soothe you.


Now and always, may the feelings of love and peace support you through this life experience.


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