Posted by on March 18, 2019

Have you ever noticed how honoring and aligning with the seasons and their shifts can soothe us on this life journey?


I’ve been in the midst of significant changes in my inner rings. These last few weeks have felt like an emotional storm as my heart processes the feelings of all that I’m experiencing. So many changes have left me feeling a bit lost, unsure, and afraid. I’ve been amplifying my self care and honoring all the feelings, but I have definitely been readying myself for a fresh perspective and for more ease and grace in this experience.


It’s been two years since my father died and while I still feel the absence of him, I am feeling more settled, more at ease. I sit here on my balcony, observing the hummingbirds flit about playing and claiming their space. I see blue skies after the wettest winter we’ve had in ages. I see the budding leaves just beginning to emerge on bare branches adorning the trees that crown our street. I hear the whistling of wind chimes gently dancing. I feel nature’s shifts happening all around me.


We are emerging from the winter’s darkness into the light of spring. As I am savoring these final days of winter, I am reflecting on how I want to ride the waves of change. And the way that nature flows and changes inspires me to soften my own resistance to the changes in my life.


The past few weeks, I’ve felt so much sadness about the changes in my personal world. And I see that most of my sadness arose from resistance and fear. Resistance to letting go of the way things were. Resistance to allowing things to change. Resistance to growing. Fear of the unknown. Fear of being unhappy. Fear of what will be.


As I observe the cycles of our natural world, my heart softens and I feel soothed in the knowing that these cycles are essential, these rhythms are part of life. I feel less alone in my pain when I give my attention to nature and her rhythms. And as I honor the rhythms of nature, I can also honor the rhythms of my own life experience with more ease and grace.


When I release the resistance to change and the fear of not knowing what life will be like in the future, I can anchor in to this moment, knowing all is well, all will be well.


Just like the winter’s rains have their purpose and their beauty, so too do the spring flowers blossom with purpose and beauty.


Just like the experiences of my past had their purpose and beauty, so too will the next steps on this journey also be purposeful and beautiful in their own unique way.


Life is meant to change. We are created to live, to explore, to learn, to grow, to love, to age and eventually, to die.


While there may be sadness in these rhythms, there is also great beauty. There is wonder and joy to be had at every stage of the journey.


I am often soothed by stepping back into nature to look at the grandeur of life. To witness how we are part of this vast tapestry of Life. To know that we are part of something much bigger than our individual experience. Witnessing the shifts of the seasons reminds me that Life continues, Life carries on, Life endures. And we are part of this enduring wonder.


Being in nature always heals my heart, reminds me of the beauty of this life experience and often helps me see with new eyes.


From this fresh perspective, I can shift that resistance and fear to excitement and enthusiasm, to curiosity and wonder about what will be and open my heart and mind to the joy of these next steps on this journey.


As we shift into the spring, I invite you to reconnect with nature and her rhythms. Explore how you can soften and open to what’s next for you…


And like the natural rhythms of spring remind us, explore how you can awaken your own creative energy. To honor spring, give yourself permission to create.


Create space by clearing you calendar for an afternoon and exploring your city.


Create space in your home by clearing a drawer or closet.


Create space in your heart be practicing heart opening yoga postures.


Create space in your mind by releasing all your worries and fears into the pages of your journal or into the air as you speak them aloud.


Create space in your day by intentionally slowing down and claiming even a few moments for stillness.


Create something beautiful ~ draw, write, dance, sing.


Create energy by moving your body or by giving yourself time to rest.


Create a sacred experience by taking a moment to notice something beautiful.


Create connection with someone you love by writing and giving a love note.


Create connection with nature and Life as you root your bare feet on the earth or listen to the songs of the birds or appreciate the sky above or acknowledge the breath inspiring you.


Create a new ritual or routine and invite new rhythms into your life.


Create something that is meaningful to you.


Whatever you choose, honor the shifts and always honor you.
Love & Peace,



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