Take Inspired Action
Self Loving Practice WILL Change Your Life
For Imperfect Humans
Ready to Cocreate a Meaningful Life of Play and Purpose

Because Humans Who Love Themselves are Powerful

You’re aligned. You’re powerful. You’re on your path. You’ve got this. Except sometimes you don't. Sometimes you’re overwhelmed, exhausted, depleted. Sometimes you need a soft place to land, a warm hug (in real life or across the ethers), a fierce ally who has your back when you need support, a clear perspective to help you remember all that you know.
Everything is always working out for you. You are powerful. You are enough. You are worthy. You can create the life you choose. You can do it in a way that feels meaningful and true and just right for you.~
This is where I come in. I’m that mama bear, say it like it is, fierce and gentle, forthright and tender, wise and ever learning guide to help you find your way back to center, to live the life you're dreaming of, and to create meaningful, loving relationships.
Meet Denise Dare
Educator. Writer. Mentor. Mama to Two Wonder~full humans.

What she said...

"You can tell when someone is authentically living what they preach ~ Denise is one of those people."
Contact Denise
For reflections, questions and ideas