Posted by Denise Dare on May 24, 2013
Have you ever spent hours, days, months searching for something?
We’ve all been there: tearing rooms apart, frantically rushing from place to place trying to find what was lost, chastising ourselves for how ridiculous we feel for having “lost” it in the first place…
We are human. We’ve all lost it from time to time. 🙂
What matters more is how we go about finding what we are looking for…
The search is part of our human experience.
Whether we are searching for our keys, our glasses, our cell phone (check your washing machine if this happens to you…and check out my miraculous story, “Dude, Where’s My Phone?”), or if perhaps we are seeking something grander like our perfect job, our dream home, our ideal partner…
what matters most is the way we approach our journey.
We can TRY or we can ALLOW.
When we try, we can easily become the frantic searcher, desperate in our longing, seeking to no avail, questioning ourselves and our actions, wondering why is this happening? Asking hopelessly, why is this so hard?
Perhaps the thoughts of “I can’t” have distracted us too much from being able to see what is right in front of us…
When we allow, we relax into ease, we focus on the knowing that everything will unfold in perfect time, we step back and see the particular situation from a more expansive perspective, we step into the flow, we get out of our heads and let our hearts lead the way…
Thoughts surface: All is well. I can relax. I am supported. I am able.
I trust that everything will be wonderful.
Allowing what we are seeking to be revealed to us requires only a subtle shift in the way we perceive our situation and choose to respond.
When we are in a moment of anxiety about something we’ve lost or something we are searching for, all we have to do is get out of our own way.
We just have to release our focus on the cycle of controlling, critical, close-minded thoughts that can dominate our minds and instead choose to redirect to something more constructive:
our breath,
an affirmation,
a joyful thought,
a moment in nature,
an opportunity for laughter,
a tender embrace with someone we love…
One practice I’ve found especially helpful lately for releasing control is calling upon angels when I’m feeling challenged. Whether or not you are religious or spiritual does not matter.
The act of calling on an angel is a simple practice to get out of our heads and get out of our own way by letting go of the need to do it all on our own, by allowing ourselves to connect to the energy of the Universe.
When something has been misplaced in my home, I’ve been calling upon St. Anthony, the patron saint of lost articles, lost people, lost things and even lost spiritual goods, to guide me (thank you Wikipedia for your infinite detailed knowledge!).
Whatever you call it, the act is simply a means to redirect the mind away from the thought “I can’t find it” and move into a knowing that nothing is lost.
Everything is findable.
The same truth applies for our more grand desires and longings in our lives…when we are trying too hard to make things happen, we may block ourselves off with too many forceful and controlling thoughts.
Instead, take an opportunity to let go of needing to make everything happen and choose to TRUST, SURRENDER and ALLOW new doors to open, new possibilities to reveal themselves to you.
Trust in the wisdom that the energy of the Universe is in us.
{Thank you to the brilliant Neil deGrasse Tyson…check out The Most Astounding Fact to be inspired and expand your vision!}
Know always that we are supported, that we can relax into ease, and that we can allow ourselves to surrender.
We are connected.
Remember, as Tyson elucidates, “We are part of this universe. We are in this universe. But perhaps more important than both of those facts is that the Universe is in us.”
Let yourself feel infinite, powerful, supported, loved…
Give yourself a few breaths and practice letting go the next time you feel challenged.
Remind yourself to surrender.
Listen to the wisdom within you that speaks through your heart.
Get out of your way and allow yourself to discover everything you’ve been searching for.
Wishing You the Courage to Surrender,
Denise 🙂
p.s. So stoked you are here! Thank you for joining me on this journey! If you know someone who could appreciate uplifting words and ideas to Live Happy, then please share! [fblike]
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May 24, 2013
I think St. Anthony and my beautiful daughter really helped me today!
Denise Dare
May 25, 2013
Yay! I’m so happy & grateful to be helpful to you, Mama! 🙂