Posted by on July 11, 2014

I’m so grateful when my clients ask me specific questions because it lets me know exactly how I can create content to add real value to their lives.

Recently, a beautiful daring dreamer asked me how she could feel more creative.

This is a common question because creativity is an essential piece of our human experience…fully expressing ourselves is one of the quintessential gifts of being human.

And when our creativity is blocked we can feel completely out of touch with our purpose + pleasure in this life.

So today I want to share with you a really simple + soothing series of movements that will help release any stuck energy in your creative realm.

This practice will allow you to really connect with your creative essence.

Boosting your creative energy will allow you to fully express yourself ~ whether in your words, your art, your garden, your cooking, your relationships, your business, your communication, your movement…free flow of energy will enhance every part of your life.

When you have about ten minutes to tune in + space to move freely, I invite you to dive in to this peaceful practice that will awaken + activate your creative energy so you can enjoy your feel good flow.

I’d love to know in the comments below how you boost your creativity…

Here’s to you feelin’ free + fully connected to YOUR creative energy!

Love + Peace, Denise Signature




  1. Kelley
    July 29, 2014

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    I feel so relaxed and inspired after watching this and I truly believe that letting go is the key to creativity! Thanks for showing me another way to release and let go.

    • Denise Dare
      July 29, 2014

      Leave a Reply

      Your words are music to my ears, Kelley!

      Thank you so much for being here + for using these powerful tools to feel better.

      I’m so happy + honored to be part of your journey…and so thankful for you!

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