Posted by on January 22, 2015

My entire early life I dealt with chronic illness. At three months old, I was hospitalized for a severe kidney infection. I remember my mama telling me how they had to put a needle in my forehead because the veins in my arms were too small.


This image never really meant that much to me until I had my own daughters and realized how damn terrifying it is when our babes are unwell.


I think of how much stress and fear my sweet mama must have felt at that time and in the ensuing years when she had to make decisions about how to help me stay healthy.


Dealing with sickness is no joke.


I get that.


I’ve been there.


After that time in the hospital and many different doctors’ opinions, my mom opted out of surgery to correct my vesicouretal reflux {my ureters were too short + kept allowing urine to flow back up into my kidneys, causing infections} and instead decided on the noninvasive approach. So, I took antibiotics daily until I was 13, when my body grew into better alignment and the problem naturally resolved.


What a tough choice my mom had to make: surgery or long term antibiotics.


I’m sure I would have made the same decision she did, even though neither of these choices looked very good.


These early childhood experiences of needing medicine to be okay, of feeling like my body wasn’t working right, of wanting to be well all fueled a lifelong desire in me to find natural ways to live healthy.


During those early years, I always wanted to drink lots of water as a means to prevent infection and stay healthy. I wanted to know what I could do to stay strong {to avoid those awful tests I associated with visiting the doctor}.


Although I’m not stoked I had to deal with chronic illness as a child, I am incredibly grateful for all that I learned from that experience.


Health is wealth.


I learned that health is wealth. I learned that keeping my body healthy and strong can help prevent sickness. I learned that we always have the freedom to ask for another opinion and another option for treatment. I learned that I must advocate for myself. I learned that I know my body better than anyone else. I learned that how I treat and care for my body creates a foundation of wellbeing {or not}. I learned that wellness must be a priority if I want to feel vibrant + enthusiastic + ready to create an epic life. I learned that there is always more to learn…


When I was 18 and my doctor suggested I just take pain relievers every day for the residual pain from three instances of whiplash {now that’s a whole other story!}, I knew there must be a better way. I remembered all I had learned as a child and decided to look for a better solution.


Thank goodness I discovered yoga.


It’s now been 17 years and I’m still a disciple of my yoga practice. It has transformed the way I relate to my body and my wellness and my life.


My years of breath work and posture and awareness practice on the mat have helped me become more aware of how I live my life, how I care for my body, how I choose my thoughts, how I create my life, how I cultivate wellbeing.


I realized long ago that wellbeing is not only determined by the foods we choose to give our bodies {though this is incredibly important, of course!}, but also established by the thoughts we choose to think, the people with whom we share this journey, and the lifestyle we create for ourselves.


Through trial and error in my own wellness journey, I’ve also realized that being well does not mean being perfect.


When I strive for perfection in my diet or my life, I let stress overwhelm me.


And if I’m stressing out about being healthy, isn’t that kinda counterproductive?


I mean when it comes down to it, I believe that the way we feel is as important as the foods we are choosing to eat.


Living with a feeling of stress, overwhelm or not enoughness can be just as detrimental to our health and wellbeing as any so~called “bad” food.


These years of living consciously + doing my best to be well, to choose a healthy path, to care lovingly for my body + mind, to create wellbeing have taught me to also let go of that bullshit idea that I need to be perfect to be doing good enough.


Truly, one of the most empowering realizations for this type A perfectionist overachieving girl has been to accept and appreciate the 80/20 rule.


Letting go of the idea that I have to eat perfectly or live perfectly to be healthy and vibrant and well has been so incredibly freeing.


When I allow ease + joy to guide my health choices, when I let my intuition + my body tell me what I need, when I remind myself to enjoy the journey, life feels so much better. I feel well. I feel empowered. I feel enough. I feel happy.


So I remind myself {pretty constantly} that just because I haven’t had enough servings of greens each day, just because I decided to drink a cup of coffee or have a few pieces of chocolate, just because I may have missed my mat practice or skimped one night on sleep…I can still be healthy. I can still be well.


Establishing a foundation of wellbeing and choosing wellness on a consistent basis gives me space and freedom for flexibility rather than perfection.


We do not have to live an extreme {or perfect} life to be well.


We do not have to eat only raw foods or only paleo or only vegan or follow any one path to live well.


I believe in cultivating awareness and following our own intuition to decide what wellness feels like in our own bodies and lives.


There is no need to label or define your eating or lifestyle choices. You can embrace an eclectic blend of what works for you.


For me, wellness looks like:

~drinking lots of fresh water {my reusable Thermos stainless steel water bottle is always by my side}

~eating as many fresh locally grown organic veggies + fruits as possible

~choosing foods according to the season, the weather, and my own needs for the day

~giving myself ample time to sleep and rest when needed

~asking for support when I need it {and receiving it graciously}

~choosing the most natural Earth based approach to healing + wellness, learning and implementing a more Eastern approach to health

~accepting that sometimes I need acute intervention, pharmaceuticals or more Western medical treatment {and that’s okay}

~giving myself permission to be imperfect

~caring for myself with time for a hot bath or a walk in nature or simply looking at the sky and saying thank you

~tending to my emotional needs by journaling, writing, creating

~amplifying my joy by sharing time with people who really inspire me + remind me to play {like my two girls + our amazing community of friends + family}

~cultivating my spirituality with my yoga + meditation practice

~being optimistic by staying aware of my thoughts + practicing choosing the positive, hopeful ones

~practicing loving, giving and receiving with an open heart

~embracing the yogic idea of effortless effort…choosing a path that feels like I’m outside of my comfort zone while still feeling playful + fun

~living on purpose + sharing my gifts with the world

~honoring challenges with grace

~appreciating all that is with time for gratitude each day

~making space for more of what I want by letting go of the shit I don’t need

~celebrating the simple everyday things that really matter {like a sweet smile from my girl or a beautiful pink sunset painting the sky}

~prioritizing my wellbeing every single day so I can enjoy this beautiful life {and stay aligned with more love + energy to share!}


I could go on, but this gives you an idea…our wellbeing is the foundation upon which we build our dreams + create a life we adore.


So now, over to you:


What does wellness + wellbeing look like in your life?

What do you need to feel well?

What daily practices fill you up + help you stay aligned with your best self?


Inspired Action Steps:

1. Grab your journal + pen or type out your own list of what you need to truly live well.

2. Star the things you’re consistently giving yourself {and celebrate the self care you’re already implementing!}.

3. Now, go back and highlight the things you want to do more often in your life {for me, this is definitely getting into nature more often…like every single day, please!}.

4. Choose one or two wellness habits you’d like to start implementing + schedule them on your calendar. {This can be super simple. For example, on Sunday at 4p you could schedule a 20 minute walk for yourself. Or on Friday at 8p you could plan a 30 minute bath. Or maybe on the 18th of every month, you schedule a date for yourself to reflect on how you’ve been integrating your learning + self care practices the past month and how you’d like to redirect moving forward.}

5. Share! Give yourself accountability + inspire others with your ideas. Tell us in the comments what is essential for your wellbeing.


I give thanks for you being here. For the love you give yourself. For the light you shine in this world.


Stay true to you + remember you are worth the love + care you desire. So give freely to you. And see what magics happens…


Sending love + hugs to you,



  1. Cindy
    January 24, 2015

    Leave a Reply

    Thank you, Denise! I was at the Yogalution all day Mantra Mela when I met you and listened to your enthusiastic story. Today, I am moving forward. Today, I take my happiness and health back. Today is a beautiful day full of potential for me. Today, I release myself from yesterday’s anxieties and dramas. To day is the Percy day to do this. Today!

    • Denise Dare
      January 24, 2015

      Leave a Reply

      Cindy, it’s so good to hear from you…thank you for sharing your positivity + heartfelt intentions.

      And YES, today is a perfect time to make a new choice + reclaim your power to feel healthy + happy!

      Sending you loving support as you step into your freedom + power…do let me know how I can be of help as you create these loving transformations in your life!

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