Posted by on October 18, 2019

Some seasons of our lives may feel more stormy than others. I feel like this year continues to be one of intense challenge and profound growth…


I’ve been grieving the unexpected death of my dear cousin who was like a brother to me. And now I am processing the inevitable death of our kitty, Miles, who has been with us since my first daughter was in my womb.


Generally, I wake up with enthusiasm and energy for the day, but these past few weeks, I have often found myself feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and less than the good feeling energy I am accustomed to experiencing.


Grief can do this to us. Sadness and loss can feel like waves crashing over us. Sometimes hiding the light of the sun, sometimes feeling like everything is pointless, sometimes making us wonder what it’s all for.


And then, just like that, sometimes the wave will recede for a while, opening our eyes and allowing us to remember the sun on our skin, the sound of laughter, the feeling of trust, the contentment of being here now.


Of course each of us is unique and will find our own way on this journey, but I wanted to share a few of the things that have been helping me lately.


  1. Hot baths ~ being in water helps me remember to flow, to allow, to be receptive
  2. Barefoot beach walks ~ putting my soles on the earth grounds me and remind me that I’m part of something bigger than myself; listening to the waves soothes my soul
  3. Cuddling with my daughters ~ connection is so powerful, it reminds me that I’m here on purpose, that I can love and be loved
  4. Dancing ~ movement and play and fun are essential to feeling vibrant and alive
  5. Music ~ this song and this song and this song and this song have been on repeat for me lately, they help me feel less alone in my grief


Wherever you are today, whatever you are feeling, I hope you find what soothes you. And I hope you have at least one someone in your life who you can reach out to for support, to be heard and seen and understood. Even one true friend can make all the difference in this life.

My heart overflows with love and appreciation for the true friends who have journeyed this life with me and have been my guiding light when I felt lost and alone in the darkness.


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