As we change ourselves, we change the world.

Jul. 16, 2014 by

“What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Hey there daring dreamer! Thank you for sharing your time + space

So, what are ya gonna embrace?

Jun. 21, 2013 by

Happy Summer, Beautiful Friends! Hoping you’re feelin’ the vibrant energy this sunny season brings! May you feel free to embrace the richness of energy, enthusiasm and en-light-ening experiences as the sun warms our skin and brightens our days. As we

A.C.T. Today

Apr. 19, 2013 by

Have you ever found yourself sort of awakened from your present life experience, pondering the questions, “How did I get to this point? Who have I become? What happened to the life I dreamed of?” It’s a pretty sh*#ty feeling