What I’ll Miss Most About Mothering Little Babes

Jun. 4, 2014 by

“The soul is healed by being with children.” ~Fyodor Dostoyevsky As I write these words, tears are welling up in my eyes. Not only from sadness, but more from a deep appreciation for this amazing role I am blessed to

Gratitude Day #134

Apr. 5, 2013 by

Today, I give thanks. I record my gratitude and appreciation for every little thought, experience, interaction, dream, hope, challenge, and feeling in my life. Today is day #134 of this experiment. I feel transformed. I now see my life experience



Dec. 2, 2012 by

Reflecting on the gift of my first daughter’s life tonight as I ponder how we’ve already arrived at the precipice of her 7th birthday. Tomorrow at 2:27 pm marks the seventh anniversary of the first moment I held our little