Posted by on December 28, 2015

As we prepare for a new year, this is a beautiful time for reflection and clarity.

We can envision what we most desire and create space for aligning with our truth and manifesting our dreams.

Give yourself time this week to tune in to your heart and journal in response to these three essential questions…


1. How do I really want to feel?

Get super clear and specific with this…and let how you want to feel guide your choices, your plans and your life.

2. What matters most to me?

Decide what is essential to you. Say no to things that are not supporting what matters most to you…so you can say yes to what is truly aligned with your desires and life vision.

3. What routines and rituals do I want to integrate into my schedule to make space for what is meaningful to me?

Remember that the right habits and routines help us stay in alignment with the feelings and experiences we most want, so it’s vital to design your schedule with this in mind. And building ritual into our schedule helps us to stay connected with our truth and the oneness of all that is. Consider what you’re craving and calling in to your life, so you design your days {and your life!} in a way that feels meaningful to you.


Last night, after completing a year long commitment to myself of weekly beach walks {one of my essential rituals}, I came home and felt inspired to journal {another meaningful routine}. These three questions came to mind and guided my writing. So much wisdom poured onto my pages as I wrote and my heart feels ever more aligned and clear.

My wish is for you to experience this clarity and feel empowered to design a life that you totally adore.

Infinite blessings and so much love.



p.s. This is a snap I took right before sunset…savoring the beauty and feeling so connected to nature. Dreamy.





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