Posted by on May 18, 2018

The thing about surrender is that it feels contradictory to what we’ve been taught to do in our culture…to work hard, to push, to keep trying, that there’s no gain without pain.

But what if things could feel different?

What if we could flow rather than force?

What if we could see the strength in softening?

What if we could embrace the power of allowing rather than striving?

A few years ago, my focus word was surrender. I made a lovely little poster with the word surrender on it and placed it where I’d see it every day. This daily reminder helped me remember my focus…to soften, to allow, to be in the flow.

Surrender doesn’t have to mean what we may have been taught…it doesn’t mean quitting or giving up (and maybe those things aren’t as bad as we’ve been told anyway).

Maybe surrender can mean giving in.

To presence. To peace. To pleasure.

Maybe surrender can mean letting go of expectation and judgement and the shoulds we tell ourselves.

Maybe surrender can be releasing the need to be right, to get it all done, to make it perfect.

What if surrender could be softening into the stillness of connection?

What if surrender is tuning into our souls and listening to the whispers within?

What if surrender allows us to flow through our experience with grace and ease rather than strive through life always pushing and struggling?

What if surrender is focusing on the grand perspective, giving ourselves permission to feel how we want to feel, releasing the need to control the circumstances or the how, trusting that in choosing joy we are aligning with our path unfolding in just the right way for us?

While we live in a culture that values the doing, that values the hard work, that celebrates the achievements, what if we could also remember to honor and value the beauty of being, trusting, welcoming states of flow and allowing the power of alignment to support us?

Have you ever noticed how pushing through a problem often just gets us deeper into the problem, into those feelings of frustration and overwhelm?

But what happens when we give ourselves permission to surrender? To step away and attend to something else…something soothing that brings us back to center?

When we give ourselves the opportunity to soften and surrender, we give ourselves space to reconnect with the energy of Life itself, the joy of being, the power of presence.

And in this alignment, the solutions and opportunities come to us like magic, our work begins to feel like play, our lives begin to unfold in the ways we’ve been dreaming.

I still sometimes forget the power of surrender. But when I give myself time to gaze at the sky or write in my appreciation journal or walk barefoot on the beach or dance with my daughters in our living room, I remember.

I remember that surrender is not giving up, it’s giving in to the moment. Surrender is seeing the strength in our softness. Surrender is making space for love in our hearts and minds. Surrender is reclaiming the power of alignment. Surrender is opening the door to magic and miracles manifesting exactly what we dream in our lives.

Surrender is trusting the journey.

Surrender is believing in love.

Surrender is a place of power…accepting what is, releasing struggle, and welcoming that state of flow to create whatever we desire.

I write these words to remind myself to surrender the perceived struggles and challenges in my own life.

I write these words to invite you to explore how you might surrender any perceived difficulties in your life…what can you surrender? What can you set on the altar? What burden can you free yourself from trying to fix? What challenge can you release, trusting everything is always working out for you?

Wherever you are on your life’s journey, I offer these reflections as an invitation to release the burden of struggle as you surrender to the joy of being.


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