Posted by on August 2, 2013

Happiness Artist…hmm, never heard of that before…

And before I created this name for myself, I never had either!

You may be wondering, what in the world is this lady all about? She calls herself a happiness artist…what is that anyway?

The thing is, I have never really fit into the categories and names others have endeavored to give me…whether with doctors or teachers or friends or family, I’ve always been a bit of an enigma.

I just don’t really fit into the conventional category, so calling myself a Life Coach or Holistic Coach just didn’t feel quite complete.

So, Happiness Artist it is.

What does this mean, you ask?

Let me explain…

I’m a woman with a vision.

I’m a dreamer and a believer and an eternal optimist.

Some may even say I’m an idealist, and I’ll accept that, too.

Here’s the deal:

I believe in Peace, Love & Happiness.

And I know that changing the world does not start “out there.”

It starts in HERE.

I’m sayin’ that I absolutely agree with the Dalai Lama when he declared:

“We can never obtain peace in the outer world…until we make peace with ourselves.”

And this is why I’m here.

I guess it’s a bit selfish, but in a good way, right? 🙂

I want our world to live cooperatively, flowing freely in peace, abundant in love, and thriving in happiness.

How can I make this happen?

One beautiful person at a time.

Of course, I’m starting with ME…which is why I am the perfect person to help you find and follow your own bliss.

I practice the art of happiness in my own life every single day.

I’ve been studying spiritual texts and seeking to live an illuminated life since I was 11 years old. I want to teach the art of happiness to the ready open~hearted dreamers who believe and hope in a joy~full human experience, and who want guidance as they implement the practices that will inspire the feelings they most value in their daily lives.

Are you ready to take action to align your thoughts, words, and deeds?

To live life illuminated?

To live happy, love true, and be you?


Then let’s connect and make it happen!

Check out how we can work together here.

Here’s what I’ve learned so far:

Peace + Love = Happiness

When we allow ourselves the pleasure of peace of mind and the joy of unconditional love for ourselves & everyone in our lives, then happiness becomes our natural state of being.

So, how may I help you realign with your center, create a life of balance, and ignite the light of LOVE in your life?

Want to massively boost your happiness?

Learn easy to implement practices that can shift your perspective immediately?

Feel supported and loved as you transform your life to illuminate your best and most brilliant self?

Connect here and let’s get started.

Hugs & Happiness…Always. 



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