“Dark clouds may hang on me sometimes, but I’ll work it out.”
~Dave Matthews
Greetings to you, beautiful!
This little story is from my travels to Washington DC a couple weeks back…it’s all about alignment with joy and choosing to make the most out of whatever comes our way.
Hoping this inspires you to love the adventure and enjoy your life a little more right in this moment.
Here goes:
I’m writing this to you from my hotel room here in DC. What a gift to travel and adventure here since last Wednesday {thank you to my hubby who let me crash his work trip!}. Today, after five days of gorgeous weather and blue skies, I finally understand why everyone here kept telling me that I brought the perfect weather with me…
As I was out walking to grab a bite, the storm clouds blew overhead and decided to pour.
Thankfully, I was prepared with a jacket, scarf, and hat. Still, walking a mile and a half back to my hotel in the down pour could have been a bad time.
I’ll admit, walking in the cold rain may not be my first choice for fun, but I realized quickly that I could suffer through each step OR I could make the most of the experience.
Cuz truly, we’re all gonna get caught in the storms of life sometimes, right?
So why not decide to feel light + joyful no matter what?
Instead of waiting for the circumstances to be perfect, what if we choose to appreciate + enjoy the journey as it is right now?
We all have the power to choose our own thoughts. We all have the choice to tune in to joy or frustration. We all have the freedom to decide how we respond.
Today, I choose to love the adventure!
Because I know that where love flows, happiness grows.
So the next time you’re feeling stuck somewhere you don’t want to be or caught in a storm you didn’t expect, ask yourself if you can surrender and find the beauty in the experience.
I promise this simple mindset shift will change everything for you.
And don’t worry about getting it perfect every time. If you get frustrated or cranky, that’s okay too.
This feelin’ good thing is a practice. It’s a choice we make moment by moment and day by day.
So be playful and light as you start to choose more and more the thoughts that lift you up.
And remember to love the adventure! Your life is NOW.
Sending you love + hugs,
p.s. Wanna see some gorgeous pics from my journey? Find me on Instagram {denisedare43} for beautiful views!
AND, if you wanna chat about how I can help you shift your mindset to create + align with YOUR happiest life, let’s set a date…sign up HERE for a free 30 discovery sesh with me. No matter what, you’ll feel better after. Promise.
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