Love is…

Oct. 17, 2014 by

Love is a sacred act. An act of trust. A choice to be vulnerable + human. A daily practice + an inspired heart. Love is the fullness + richness of our life experience. Love is the whole. Love is who

Free yourself from expectations

Oct. 9, 2014 by

I can remember when I was a teen having the distinct feeling of utter disappointment…all the time. When I’d have plans with friends to go to a party…that ended up being a flop. Or to go to LA for an

What can we learn from the storm?

Apr. 25, 2014 by

“Dark clouds may hang on me sometimes, but I’ll work it out.” ~Dave Matthews Greetings to you, beautiful! This little story is from my travels to Washington DC a couple weeks back…it’s all about alignment with joy and choosing to

Here’s What Works: Compassion. Kindness. Love.

Jan. 16, 2014 by

“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.” ~Dalai Lama So you may remember from last week’s post that I was ranting quite freely about my failure as a peace lovin’ mama. I dropped enough F-bombs in that blog

Release the old. Welcome the new. Fresh ideas to feel good.

Jan. 1, 2014 by

“Our intention creates our reality.” ~Wayne Dyer Greetings, friend! As we move toward January 1st, we prepare to release the old and welcome the new in our lives. Now is a wonderful time to get clear about what it is

The Scariest Day of My Life…and Why You’ve Got to Let Go of Your Worries

Dec. 11, 2013 by

Let Your JOY Outshine Your Fear Remember the Tom Petty song that declares: “Most things I worry about never happen anyway”? These were the words that kept repeating in my mind when I learned that my baby, a lil’ three

Hugs 4 Health & Happiness

Nov. 20, 2013 by

“We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth.”  ~Virginia Satir Hello Beautiful One, I’d like to share a story with you. About tenderness, compassion,

Fresh Practices for More Fun This Fall

Sep. 18, 2013 by

“Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times.” ~Aeschylus Hey There Gorgeous! Are you ready for the best fall ever?  Here are a few practices to help you clear some space for more joy and fun this fall…hope this

Sometimes Sick Happens.

Sometimes Sick Happens.

May. 3, 2013 by

On Wednesday afternoon I enjoyed a beautiful outdoor celebration of May Day…including crafting a natural bird feeder and flower crown with my lil’ girl, watching both my girls dance around the May pole with friends, and explore the “forest” near

Old Pirates and Free Booty

Apr. 26, 2013 by

Remember the classic and oh so insightful Bob Marley “Redemption Song” that declares “None but ourselves can free our minds”? Epic. Vivid. True. As I listen to this jam today and reflect on freedom, power, choice, life, I realize again