Posted by on January 1, 2014

“Our intention creates our reality.”

~Wayne Dyer

Greetings, friend!

As we move toward January 1st, we prepare to release the old and welcome the new in our lives.

Now is a wonderful time to get clear about what it is we most desire in our lives. And I don’t mean stuff or what we want to lose, but truly contemplating what we want to invite into our everyday experience.

Here are a few playful practices to open yourself to living the life you desire.


1. Choose a guiding word.

Write it down. Create a beautiful sign to hang where you’ll see it each day.

Remind yourself when you awaken and before you go to sleep of this heartfelt intention.

Let this be your guiding light, your focus, your ultimate reassurance that all is well.

This year for me: trust.

What is yours? 


2. Decide your core desire feelings.

 {The Desire Map from Danielle LaPorte is amazing guidance for this!}

Brainstorm everything you want to feel.

Let it flow. Allow every emotional desire fly onto your page.

When you’ve fully expressed every feeling you desire to experience as you live your life, then go through and choose a few that really speak to you.

Grab a dictionary, look up definitions, research etymology, feel how the words roll off your tongue.

Listen to your intuition. Decide on a few, maybe 4 or 7, or 3 if that’s your favorite number.

Remember this is fluid. And can change.

But for now, choose your core desired feelings and let these be what propel your goal setting and decision making this coming year.

My current four: vibrant, playful, sexy, relaxed.

What feelings will you choose to guide and inspire you?


3. Create a ritual that feels right for you and yours.

Practice this ritual as the year closes and even as a new year opens.

Focus on grace, gratitude, love, abundance, whatever you choose.

Some ideas we love in our family:

  • Giving thanks at our family meals. We each share what we are feeling grateful for that day. It’s lovely to see how our children so quickly enjoy this simple ritual that evokes such joy…my three year old is generally the one who initiates this practice now.

  • Clear your physical space with sage. Burn sage and walk graciously through each space in your home, including corners, closets, bathrooms, etc. and offer the burning smoke as a symbolic gesture of clearing the air. You can say a blessing or a mantra as you do this. You might also want to move the sage in a symbolic figure. I like to create the sign of infinity and a heart in each space and I offer the words, which will vary each time, to give thanks for all that is and to open to infinite possibility, love, and abundance.

  • Often for the change of seasons, full moons, or new moons, we practice releasing what no longer serves us and opening to what we desire. One way of doing this is to write down anything or everything that we would like to let go of on a piece of paper. Sometimes we share these words, sometimes not. Then we start a fire and toss our words into the flames to be transformed. Next, we’ll take a fresh piece of paper and write what we hope to embrace in our lives moving forward. Maybe using colorful pens or markers and making it beautiful and inviting. This way of clarifying what we want helps to welcome in the new. Keeping this paper in our wallet, posting it on a mirror, or keeping it in our cars can help us reconnect and focus regularly on inviting our desires into our lives.

What practices help your family evolve, appreciate, and cultivate unity?


4. Find ways to celebrate.

No matter what day or time of year it is, we are always able to start anew.

It only takes our intention and decision to transform ourselves.

So take some time to reflect and notice all the wonder, all the beauty, all the joy in your life.

Give yourself credit for what you’ve accomplished and contributed to the good of all just by being you.

And celebrate! Celebrate your life, your breath, your well being, your love, your presence.

Celebrate a moment. In creating beautiful moments, we create a beautiful life.

Let yours shine.

How are you celebrating this day, this breath, this moment…this gift of life?

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My dear friends, I wish for you to tune in to that pure love shining within you, to appreciate the road that led you to today, to open your heart to presence in this perfectly imperfect moment, to welcome your future with open arms, to feel the absolute wonder and joy of being you.


Enjoy your New Year’s celebrations, reflecting, releasing, and readying for the abundance that awaits you.

Love & Light,



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