Release the old. Welcome the new. Fresh ideas to feel good.

Jan. 1, 2014 by

“Our intention creates our reality.” ~Wayne Dyer Greetings, friend! As we move toward January 1st, we prepare to release the old and welcome the new in our lives. Now is a wonderful time to get clear about what it is

The Scariest Day of My Life…and Why You’ve Got to Let Go of Your Worries

Dec. 11, 2013 by

Let Your JOY Outshine Your Fear Remember the Tom Petty song that declares: “Most things I worry about never happen anyway”? These were the words that kept repeating in my mind when I learned that my baby, a lil’ three

Freedom for ALL

Jul. 5, 2013 by

Greetings Beautiful, Hoping this gorgeous July day is full of freedom & fun for YOU! For those of us living in Canada & the U.S., this is a time to honor and give thanks for our freedom…and I’m definitely doin’

So, what are ya gonna embrace?

Jun. 21, 2013 by

Happy Summer, Beautiful Friends! Hoping you’re feelin’ the vibrant energy this sunny season brings! May you feel free to embrace the richness of energy, enthusiasm and en-light-ening experiences as the sun warms our skin and brightens our days. As we

Dude, Where’s My Phone?

Dude, Where’s My Phone?

Apr. 12, 2013 by

So, in case you don’t already know, I am a pretty organized, meticulous “clean freak” (or so some might say!), and it really should come as no surprise that in the midst of an intensive spring cleaning of our home,

The BEST We Can

The BEST We Can

Jan. 25, 2013 by

Maybe it’s inevitable, maybe it’s preventable, but it feels like when we reflect on our lives, we can generally find at least one decision or experience that we now believe would have been better done differently. Or so we think.