Posted by on April 12, 2013

So, in case you don’t already know, I am a pretty organized, meticulous “clean freak” (or so some might say!), and it really should come as no surprise that in the midst of an intensive spring cleaning of our home, that I decided to go ahead and give my iPhone a thorough cleaning, too.

It was late in the evening last Friday, the 5th of April. I had enjoyed a lovely day practicing yoga, writing, kickin’ it with my girls and our dear friends at a local homeschool park day.

When I returned home, I helped my baby prepare for bed as usual, and decided to throw a load of clothes in the washing machine to clean while I read stories, massaged legs, shared some mama milk, and snuggled in close to my precious babe.

Apparently, exhaustion got the better of me and I drifted quite easily and oh so peacefully into dreamland next to my lil’ Bela around 7:45 p.m. I remember a fleeting thought of the need to get up and hang the clothes to dry (this is pretty crucial if you line dry your clothes…to prevent excessive wrinkling and an overall unwashed, rumpled look!). Clearly, sleep and snuggles were way more important at the time, and I left the work for the next day.

Saturday a.m. came with a quickness and I sort of rushed through my usual meditation, heart opening and relaxed waking ritual in an effort to be ready to attend a date with my sweet mama (who’d so graciously bought us tix to attend the Literary Orange Writing Conference in Irvine, CA…how lucky am I to be daughter to such a thoughtful mama? Pretty rad life, I gotta say.)

As I was preparing to leave at 8 a.m. on Saturday morning, my kind husband came to my rescue as he observed my rushed and semi-stressed state while attempting to quickly hang dry a whole load of clothes. When he took over the task, I returned to preparations…and my search for my phone.

The time to leave was approaching and I heard the door bell ring as my mom announced her arrival. Still, I was searching for that phone. In the moment I surrendered to not finding it, despite my intrinsic tendencies to know where everything is, my husband walked from the laundry room, phone in hand, declaring, “I found your phone, honey…at the bottom of the washing machine.”



How the f*&k could I be so stupid? I immediately think to myself.

Then, deep breath. Calming my senses, hearing my mom decidedly remind me, “It’s not the end of the world honey, it’s only a thing, you and your family are all well and happy.”

And in a moment, I remember why I’ve been practicing yoga for so many years…so I can respond to this situation (and any others that induce that belly-dropping sense of UGH! or AAAAAHHHH! or WTF? or WHY?) with grace and ease and compassion and clarity and kindness and perspective and wisdom.

And, so, I hold on to my wise mama’s words and begin to let go.

I let go of my need to always be right. And perfect. And efficient.

I surrender to the reality, again, that I am imperfect.

That I f*&k up.

Compassion for Self

And that this is actually totally okay.

That I can respond to this kind of mistake with playfulness, a light heart, and a tenderness for myself that I’ve only recently cultivated.

I breathe a deep belly breath, accept what has already happened, realize that it’s really not that big of a deal, and kiss my family adieu.

As I enjoy a peaceful day of learning, listening, and inspiration at the literary event, I am reminded again and again of this beautiful opportunity…

To practice compassion for myself.


To be human.

In every experience, we have the opportunity to choose how we respond…do we react with guilt, frustration, anger and judgment?

OR, better yet, do we take a deep breath, tune in to what matters most, and realize that every mistake, every failure, every f*&K up is just another challenge…an opportunity for growth, to practice wisdom, kindness, compassion and LOVE.

So let me ask you, do you see any opportunity in your own experience where “mistake” may be transformed into “challenge” and you can CHOOSE to practice unconditional love toward yourSelf?

I wanna know how you have learned compassion and unconditional love in your life experience…please do share in the comments!

We all learn and grow together!

Unconditional Love & Infinite Compassion,

Denise 🙂

p.s. Best part of this story: learning ever more to LOVE mySelf just as I am.

p.p.s. Second best part of this story: the miracle that happened yesterday…after following my wise honey’s directions to dry out my phone in a bag of rice under the sun’s warm rays for five full days, I charged it for a couple hours and, MAGIC, it is working beautifully again! Wow, what a relief and a delight to know that MIRACLES do happen! 🙂


  1. Mitch Bazant
    April 12, 2013

    Leave a Reply

    Hey Sis, Misplaced items are common in my world. Don’t freak out, just search, I know exactly where I lost my mind! lol
    Had a big problem with my neighbours (now thankfully, moved far away), so I referred to my bible scriptures for some well needed guidance. Went something like this; Love thy neighbours as you would love thyself. Love thine enemies as thou should love thy neighbours.
    Well, unfortunately for me, my enemies were my neighbours! Damned if I do and damned if I don’t.
    So the lesson learned here, was, to kill ’em with kindness. I tried my best to be polite and have some manners <(usually not what one wants todo in this sitch). Everytime I saw them, I would make pleasant greetings and continue on with my business. This effort was worth it, they would reply with consideration and sure made life just that much easier. Having battles with those that you hardly know is a futile way of living. Please try to be compassionate, understanding and accepting, Maybe this can help you too. I appreciate having the privacy to live freely!
    with Love, your bub, Mitch

  1. Denise Dare » Get Out of Your Own Way - [...] (check your washing machine if this happens to you…and check out my miraculous story, “Dude, Where’s My Phone?”), or…

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