Posted by on April 26, 2013

Remember the classic and oh so insightful Bob Marley “Redemption Song” that declares “None but ourselves can free our minds”? Epic. Vivid. True.

As I listen to this jam today and reflect on freedom, power, choice, life, I realize again that we each have the responsibility to CHOOSE how and what we think, believe, do.

I remember years ago when I was teaching high school in Anaheim, my room was adorned with uplifting words, phrases, quotes and ruminations. One of my faves, the one that I constantly reminded my students to revisit, rethink, reconsider was:


I’d tell these young adults who looked to me for answers to question what they read, saw, heard, thought…to even question whatever I was declaring from my place as their teacher…and to discover what is true for themselves.

“What I want most for you,” I confidently assured them, “is not to memorize all of the details about what we are studying, but rather to practice THINKING, QUESTIONING, INQUIRING, PONDERING, WONDERING, GROWING your passion for LEARNING.”

I’d encourage my students to ask WHY all the time, about everything…something that came naturally to me, as a daughter of a mama who encouraged me to question what is and imagine what could be.

The funny thing is that at the time I really felt like I was questioning everything, that I was uncovering new truths and possibilities every day…and I was.

Except that now as I reflect, I see that there was SO much that I had no idea to even question! Crazy how when we are in the midst of the madness, it can all seem so normal and clear to us. I guess this is the power of growth and change, to help us shift our perspective and find new truths to unveil…to see with new eyes.

So now I wonder in what new ways I may reveal freedom, power and choice in my own life…and may you find freedom in yours?

How can you free your mind?

Where in your life are you holding back, using excuses about why you are not this or that?

What thoughts, beliefs, actions and systems are you ready to emancipate yourself from?

How can you tune in to the truth of who you are, free yourself to dance to the rhythm of your heart, and discover the abundance within?

Take the first step, share a comment to declare what freedom you seek…

Wishing you Insight, Clarity and Freedom to be YOU,

Denise 🙂

p.s. If these words resonate with you, please subscribe here and share with your friends! Merci!

p.p.s. Thanks to for the rad image of Bob! So beautiful and joy-full!


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