How One Minute A Day Can Cultivate More Love in Your Life!

Jun. 28, 2013 by

What a beautiful day! Hope you are enJOYing this radiant summer afternoon and feeling ready for too much fun this weekend! I am feeling so at ease and relaxed today…really embracing the truth that all is well. And, I’m feeling

So, what are ya gonna embrace?

Jun. 21, 2013 by

Happy Summer, Beautiful Friends! Hoping you’re feelin’ the vibrant energy this sunny season brings! May you feel free to embrace the richness of energy, enthusiasm and en-light-ening experiences as the sun warms our skin and brightens our days. As we

Old Pirates and Free Booty

Apr. 26, 2013 by

Remember the classic and oh so insightful Bob Marley “Redemption Song” that declares “None but ourselves can free our minds”? Epic. Vivid. True. As I listen to this jam today and reflect on freedom, power, choice, life, I realize again

A.C.T. Today

Apr. 19, 2013 by

Have you ever found yourself sort of awakened from your present life experience, pondering the questions, “How did I get to this point? Who have I become? What happened to the life I dreamed of?” It’s a pretty sh*#ty feeling

Bloom Where You’re Planted!

Bloom Where You’re Planted!

Mar. 15, 2013 by

As I walked outside my home today to water our budding seeds in the garden, I felt at once awed and inspired by the inherent brilliance of nature. How incredible that LIFE is held safely inside a tiny seed, waiting