Posted by on February 18, 2018

The other day I was in the midst of handling a variety of tasks when my lil’ girl came to me and asked me to sit down and read with her.

We cuddle up and read together every night before bed and often we start our mornings quietly snuggled under the covers reading together as well.

But stopping during the day to cozy up and read a book? Not the usual for me.

Generally, I’m pretty task driven. I homeschool my two daughters and work from home. As you might imagine, there’s quite a bit to handle each day.

Slowing down to cuddle with my girl and just read is not something I often choose to do in the middle of a full day.

My immediate reaction to her request was, “Not now babe, I have to…” Of course I could list about 100 things I “had” to do, but something made me stop and change my story.

In the moment, I was filled with awareness that I don’t actually have to do any of it. I mean, yes, there will be natural consequences if I don’t do certain things, but it really is my choice.

I also started to wonder how my “I have to” reactions could be shaping my daughter’s perception of adult life.

If I am constantly doing things I have to do, where is my choice, my freedom, my power, my appreciation?

What if I could shift the way I was speaking (and thinking) about my “responsibilities”?

What if I could find a new way to communicate about my experience?

Our language influences how we see our world, how we perceive what’s possible, how we understand one another and ourselves.

So why not choose new words to express myself?

Suddenly a new response came to mind. I get to.

I get to.

I get to choose.

I get to homeschool my daughters.

I get to work.

I get to wash these dishes.

I get to awaken at sunrise.

I get to clean our space.

I get to contribute.

I get to support my daughters.

I get to watch my girls grow.

I get to take time each night (or day!) to cuddle and read to them.

I get to prepare meals.

I get to gather food for our family.

I get to take out the trash.

I get to drive my girls to a class or gathering.

I get to laugh and play and have fun.

I get to wash clothes that have been worn by the people I adore.

I get to let anything and everything feel joyful.

I get to walk on the beach.

I get to see the sunset.

I get to hold hands with my love.

I get to practice yoga.

I get to keep learning.

I get to be a mom.

I get to be me.

I get to be alive.

I get to breathe.

I get to grow older.

I get to change.

I get to love.

I get to be here now.

With this new awareness, I gave myself permission to set aside the urgent task I was handling in order to give time to the important task that was being asked of me.

I walked to my babe, gave her a hug and said, “Thank you for inviting me to read with you…I’d love to.”

These ordinary moments are far more than ordinary.

These moments we are invited to step into what really matters.

These moments are an opportunity for connection, for love.

Tell me, what do you get to do today?


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