Posted by on December 18, 2019

As I sit here in the glow of our Christmas lights, I feel such joy in just being here now.

The quiet, the stillness, the illumination. 

I am content in the moment.

It’s such a wonder~full space to be content. To be satisfied. To allow ourselves to be fulfilled in the moment.

Of course, I’m human, so not every moment feels this way, but this is definitely the feeling I want more of the time.

Satisfied. Centered. At ease. Joyful. Wonder~full.

I hope you allow yourself moments, more and more, to feel the way you want to feel, too.

As we close this year and ready ourselves to welcome what’s next, I want to share with you questions that will inspire you to reflect and to align your thoughts with your desires.

As we practice focusing our thoughts, we empower ourselves to feel the way we want to feel more of the time.

These are Qs that help bring me back to center…

What can I celebrate?

What can I learn from my challenges?

Where can I soften?

Where can I let go trying to control the uncontrollable?

Where can I allow more?

What can I release?

What am I ready to receive?

What makes me laugh?

When do I smile most?

What feels like fun?

What would feel totally dreamy?

What is possible here?

What do I want?

Why do I want it?

How do I want to feel?

Where can I allow more ease and grace?

Where can I surrender?

How would it feel to trust?

Where can I receive support?

What thought could feel better?

How can I shift my perspective?

What could soothe me right now?

What tools can I use to feel more aligned?

Where can I give myself more love?

Where can I share more love?

What feels peaceful?

What am I appreciating?

Maybe choose one or two Qs to ponder on your next walk or reflect on in your journal or explore with a soul sister.

Maybe make a list of your own reflective questions that help bring you back to center when you need it.

Maybe share these with a friend who could use a little reminder to reflect, be gentle and believe in herself.

We are in this together. And I hope you will continue to honor and give loving care to you…today and every day.

Blessings to you and yours as we ready for winter…hoping your solstice is magical, your holidays are happy and your new year affirms what a gift it is to be alive.


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