Posted by on February 18, 2020

I remember being a little girl and my mama always affirming to me that as long as we are living, we are learning.


She told me that learning is part of life. And I’ve always held this belief to be true as well.


I think she was wise in this reflection and I feel that learning is what fuels us to become ever more of who we are.


Learning can be a way to understand new ideas and concepts, but learning can also be remembering, implementing and integrating what we already know.


Learning what we need.


Learning how to ask for what we want.


Learning to say no.


Learning to discern what is a hell yes.


Learning to let go.


Learning to commit and hold on.


Learning to appreciate.


Learning to be patient.


Learning to be enthusiastic on the way to what we want.


Learning to honor our growth.


Learning to acknowledge our need to change.


Learning to accept change.


Learning to embrace uncertainty.


Learning to honor our failures.


Learning to allow our imperfections.


Learning to believe in ourselves.


Learning to love who we are along the way…


These past few weeks have been especially full for me. I’ve been learning ~ and remembering ~ how to stay centered in my peace and to take a few breaths before responding to challenge. I have definitely failed many times and still, I give myself permission to learn and practice.


I am learning to use more of the tools that help me feel aligned.


I’m learning to be gracious with myself when I fail, when I do not meet my own expectations, when I am less than the most kind, tender, loving version of myself.


I am learning to soften, to go more gently, to lighten up, to take the grand perspective.


This is not new learning for me, but clearly something that I need to remember and continue practicing.


Learning is not a linear path. It can be bumpy and edgy and move in spirals.


The most important thing is that we allow ourselves the freedom and the gift to continue learning.


So tell me, what have you been learning lately?

Here’s to deeper understanding and learning every day…


Love & Peace,




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