“When they ask what you do for a living, say, I Love.

~Jaiya John

Parenting must be personal. It’s relational and different with every child, within every family. Many parenting philosophies focus on a standardized one method fits all approach, but I’ve come to know that standardization is not the ideal, especially with parenting. I want customized, personalized experiences for my children and for myself. I want to honor the unique beauty of each of my babes and support them in ways that align with what is most meaningful to their individual life experience. This is what I want for you and your family, too.

I see that so often experts tell us that there is one best way to do things, but in my experience, I’ve found that there are often multiple best paths to the same result…loving, joyful, thriving humans.

One of my favorite quotes is from the Buddha:

“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”

It is with this philosophy that I offer my guidance and mentorship to you. As an offering of support and encouragement along your own unique, personal, perfectly imperfect parenting path. There are no hard and fast rules here, no specific plans or dictates that you must follow. Instead, I share with you the insights and inspirations I have been fortunate enough to gather, explore and practice along my own parenting path in the hopes that you’ll receive just the right idea at just the right time when you need a little reminder that you’re doing alright, that you’re gonna make it, and that love is really all that matters.

Even if you do not currently agree with or believe all of the ideas I share, even if some of these ideas may challenge your beliefs, I invite you to sit with these, to allow yourself to ponder and inquire and wonder about these potentially new perspectives and practices. And even if your mind may at first question them, notice how they feel in your heart. If your heart stirs at the idea, then it may be time to expand your perspectives and beliefs to include something new.

Remember, you are not alone in this. Even when it may feel that way, when you may feel isolated or unsupported or lost or confused, remember that you are part of a tapestry that extends far beyond our understanding of time and space. You are part of life. And as a parent you are fulfilling a sacred role to deepen your own understanding, love and awareness that you may share this with the ones who come after you. Let yourself be constantly in a state of learning and growing. Through all of it, be gentle with yourself, be kind to yourself and above all, be loving with yourself. You are the foundation upon which your fulfilled, kind, thoughtful, compassionate, self loving child will grow.

Our Work Together

As a parenting mentor, I am not going to tell you what you need to do to shift whatever is feeling stuck or overwhelming or unclear on your path.

Instead, I will hold you accountable to honor your fears, worries and doubts…and to expand beyond your limiting beliefs into the clarity of being the parent you dream you can be and developing the relationship you want with your child.

I’ll support you as you do the work to journey within your own heart and mind.

You’ll learn to hear and honor your intuition. You’ll integrate new perspectives and practices that feel aligned for you. You’ll feel heard and seen and witnessed as you allow for transformation. You’ll learn to love yourself and give yourself permission to be exactly who you are.

You’ll reclaim your power to create a life with your child that is meaningful, magical and reflects your version of successful parenting.

My work is to help you reconnect with you, so you can connect with your child and cocreate the relationship you dream of with them.

Our joy~full journey together, will help you feel:

♥ Understood & supported 

♥ Less stressed & more energized

♥ Loving & open hearted

 Empowered & aligned

 Present & peaceful 

Easeful & intuitive

Clear & confident

♥ Joyful & free

You’ll cultivate a deeper appreciation for yourself and your child. You’ll transform the ways you interact with them and how you show up for yourself and your child each day. 

So what will it be like when we work together?

You show up, ready to be seen and heard. 

I show up, ready to listen, with a laser sharp mind and a compassionate heart, offering nurturing guidance and loving reflections to help you imagine what could be.

Together, we clarify what successful parenting looks and feels like to YOU.

I’ll hold space for you as you explore and integrate helpful practices and perspectives into your experience.

You will practice imperfect parenting and deepen your ability to live in love.

Email me here to set up a free discovery session.

Success Stories  

Don’t take my word for how our work together will transform you.

Read inspiring success stories HERE.

Take Inspired Action

I believe in possibility. 

And kindness. 

And love. 

I believe that life is better when we love ourselves. 

I believe that feeling supported makes the journey infinitely easier and way more fun.

You are ready to be the parent you know you can be.

Begin by clicking here to email me and set up a free discovery session.

Love & Peace,

♥ Denise
