Sometimes Sick Happens.

Sometimes Sick Happens.

May. 3, 2013 by

On Wednesday afternoon I enjoyed a beautiful outdoor celebration of May Day…including crafting a natural bird feeder and flower crown with my lil’ girl, watching both my girls dance around the May pole with friends, and explore the “forest” near

Mommy, Are You Okay?

Mar. 1, 2013 by

I fell. Literally. Crashed so hard to the Earth that I felt shaken to tears. I was just cruising along, my beautiful girl wrapped safely in my arms, when suddenly I found myself falling in slow motion toward an unforgiving

Start With THIS

Feb. 2, 2013 by

Wake up happy. Allow time for appreciation. One hand on your heart, the other on your belly. Breathe in the richness of LIFE. Give thanks for all that is and all that is becoming. Focus on the GOOD. Take your