Giving Thanks: 9/11 and Every Day

Sep. 11, 2013 by

“All you need is love.” ~John Lennon Twelve years ago today, all I could think about was being near the people I loved the most. Faced with the daunting and overwhelming horror of devastating tragedy so close to home, I,

What are YOU appreciating?

Apr. 6, 2013 by

Yesterday, I shared my record of gratitude for the day. Today, I’d love to know what YOU are appreciating… What matters most to you right now? How do you feel when you give thanks? Do share and post in the comments… The

Gratitude Day #134

Apr. 5, 2013 by

Today, I give thanks. I record my gratitude and appreciation for every little thought, experience, interaction, dream, hope, challenge, and feeling in my life. Today is day #134 of this experiment. I feel transformed. I now see my life experience



Dec. 2, 2012 by

Reflecting on the gift of my first daughter’s life tonight as I ponder how we’ve already arrived at the precipice of her 7th birthday. Tomorrow at 2:27 pm marks the seventh anniversary of the first moment I held our little

The Gift of Gratitude

Oct. 26, 2012 by

When I awaken each day, usually before I even open my eyes, I lie in stillness and practice gratitude. I like to place one hand over my heart space and one over my belly. As I breathe in deeply, making