Posted by on September 29, 2012

Why Dare to SHINE?

As we walk through our days, the responsibilities, tasks and mundane experiences can sometimes overwhelm us to the point of exhaustion. We return to our homes in the evening, spent from the busy-ness of our lives and ready to zone out, sleep or withdraw from the world. And yet, we know there can be more to life than this.

We can relish the excitement of awakening each day.

We can thrive as we move through the world, grateful for each moment.

We can deepen our connection as we tune in, breathe, and realize we are all one.

But how?

Just as we learned to walk…we take baby steps as we transform our lives.

We move ourselves gently forward in every thought, word and action toward the life we dream.

We open ourselves to the possibility that we can expand to become everything we imagine…

We are “…such stuff as dreams are made on…” in Shakespeare’s words and we can SHINE as brightly as we choose.

So, how will you SHINE today?


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