Posted by on October 20, 2012

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about our beautiful home, our Mother Earth. And, I’ve realized that we all have so much room for growth in our endeavors to tread lightly upon her soil and endow future generations with an abundant environment. We are all part of the problem that has ravaged our natural resources, AND we are all part of the solution.

Remembering that we are all connected has been an incredible motivator for me to continue to strive to do better each day. I realize that I am but one human being, and I also know that it only takes one thought to begin a ripple effect that leads to massive change.

When I keep my thoughts positive, hopeful, and peaceful, then so follow my words and deeds. When my words and actions cultivate a sense of cooperation, love and harmony, then the outer world begins to reflect the inner…

What if every single person on our planet begins to purposefully observe their own inner worlds and shift the repetitive malevolent thoughts, worries, criticisms, judgments, fears, and distractions into benevolent, peaceful, kind, compassionate, gentle, nurturing, giving, joyful, LOVING thoughts?

What would our external environment reflect if each of us would do the work internally to cultivate PEACE?

Let us remember the infinite POWER of ONE…to choose our thoughts, words, and actions, to begin the process of positive change, to start a revolution of ideas that transform an entire world.

How can we begin in this moment to promote peace and kindness on Earth?

What loving thoughts can you allow into your reality today?


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