Free yourself from expectations

Oct. 9, 2014 by

I can remember when I was a teen having the distinct feeling of utter disappointment…all the time. When I’d have plans with friends to go to a party…that ended up being a flop. Or to go to LA for an

A Life of Gratitude

Nov. 27, 2013 by

“Gratitude is the foundation of happiness.” ~D. D.  Greetings Love, Hoping these words encourage you to celebrate thanksgiving not only tomorrow, but every day of this precious life. Practicing gratitude is the easiest and most effective way to open our

Doors Opened and Worlds Emerged…

Doors Opened and Worlds Emerged…

Aug. 7, 2013 by

I used to eat cup of noodles. I used to take Advil three times a day. I used to scream into my pillow in frustration. And I thought I was healthy. I was thin, active and felt pretty good most

Sometimes Sick Happens.

Sometimes Sick Happens.

May. 3, 2013 by

On Wednesday afternoon I enjoyed a beautiful outdoor celebration of May Day…including crafting a natural bird feeder and flower crown with my lil’ girl, watching both my girls dance around the May pole with friends, and explore the “forest” near

Bloom Where You’re Planted!

Bloom Where You’re Planted!

Mar. 15, 2013 by

As I walked outside my home today to water our budding seeds in the garden, I felt at once awed and inspired by the inherent brilliance of nature. How incredible that LIFE is held safely inside a tiny seed, waiting