Posted by on October 4, 2012

Being human means experiencing the richness of life, beckoning with opportunity, excitement, and challenge. At times, we experience an opposition to our vision of what we feel is the best course of action. In moments like these, it is vital for us to first recognize our choice.

We are not always able to control the course of events that unfold in our life story, but we ALWAYS have the opportunity to choose our response, our interpretation, our understanding of each experience.

When we face a challenge, especially when we feel contrast with another individual, we can choose to continue tugging on our end of the rope in opposition to what the other person wants, or we may choose to release our hands and disengage from the struggle…

When we let go, we remove the resistance, we surrender. Ah, how sweet it is to surrender, to feel like life need not be a battle, to immerse ourselves in the sensation of letting go, being in the flow, and living with grace and ease.

Give it a try…see how it feels to surrender and notice how life unfolds…

What are you willing to release today?

How can you let go?


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