Posted by on March 8, 2013

Yes, really, I have.

And it only took 15 years!

Okay, so let me explain…

When I was 18 years old, it was February of 1998, I was in my second year studying English at UCLA. I was having the time of my life and also feeling the stress of such an intense experience in my body. My neck began to ache, my head began to hurt and I felt plagued with constant headaches. My doctor recommended Advil. Then more Advil. And more Advil.

And I said ENOUGH.

Not long after, I stepped into a yoga class for the first time.

And EVERYTHING changed for me.

I changed.

Suddenly, my body felt more aligned, my body felt GOOD, and soon I felt absolutely addicted to the yoga glow that resonated through my being after my practice.

I had my first taste of the healing power of yoga, of aligning body, mind and spirit, of being in union.

How grateful I am for that day that opened the door to where I am now…

Jump forward to 2013. Fifteen years into my practice, one of my favorite yoga teachers, Mic at Ja Yoga in Long Beach, is leading us through crow pose and directs us to raise our gaze, to look up.

And in an instant this pose that had been so challenging all those years became SO EASY.

My toes lifted and gently touched as I balanced myself gracefully on my hands…first time my body would come into this posture.

2013-02-15 15.03.57

And all it took was LOOKING UP.

As I was sharing this experience with my ever brilliant better half, he elucidated perfectly the powerful truth of my realization…

It’s all a matter of perception.

This secret of the universe is true in every way…what we perceive, where we look really does matter.

Looking up really does create the balance and alignment we’ve been seeking.

I see this truth in every interaction, every experience, every relationship.

When I attend to the light, the optimism, the good, the ease, the joy, the LOVE, when I look up, life magically and perfectly aligns and beautiful realities unfold easily all around…

So where can you choose to LOOK UP today?

How can you shift your perspective to open vast new worlds and experiences for yourSelf?

Wishing you LOVE and the power of perception,



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