Sacred Sister of the Earth

Nov. 9, 2012 by

Today is an amazing and beautiful day…not only because the sun is vibrantly shining, the skies are periwinkle blue and we are abundantly alive, but also because I just had my first book store sighting of an inspiring, empowering and

Perfectly Imperfect

Nov. 4, 2012 by

Lately, I’ve been spending quite a bit of time contemplating mySelf…wondering what I can release and what I want to embrace. I see myself as an overachiever, a perfectionist, a detail oriented control freak, so to speak. But this is

Meditation for Today

Oct. 28, 2012 by

Open Trust Move forward Willingly Lovingly Accept all that is Hope for Love, Abundance, Clarity Let go of anger, fear of unknown days ahead, resentment from the past Embrace the love that resides so deeply within Break down barriers Learn

The Gift of Gratitude

Oct. 26, 2012 by

When I awaken each day, usually before I even open my eyes, I lie in stillness and practice gratitude. I like to place one hand over my heart space and one over my belly. As I breathe in deeply, making

Peace on Earth

Oct. 20, 2012 by

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about our beautiful home, our Mother Earth. And, I’ve realized that we all have so much room for growth in our endeavors to tread lightly upon her soil and endow future generations with an

Practicing Grace

Oct. 12, 2012 by

Tuning in Turning on Positivity Sweet love Hope Empower Meant to be Such soothing rhythms Practicing grace Fully ALIVE   In the moment In the FLOW In JOY L.O.V.E. Me.

Remove the Resistance

Oct. 4, 2012 by

Being human means experiencing the richness of life, beckoning with opportunity, excitement, and challenge. At times, we experience an opposition to our vision of what we feel is the best course of action. In moments like these, it is vital

Open Heart. Open Mind.

Oct. 1, 2012 by

Often when I feel the constraints of too much to do, not enough time, or any sensation of lacking that leads to discord, I step away from the chaos and take a few moments to open my heart. Of course

Why Dare to SHINE?

Sep. 29, 2012 by

Why Dare to SHINE? As we walk through our days, the responsibilities, tasks and mundane experiences can sometimes overwhelm us to the point of exhaustion. We return to our homes in the evening, spent from the busy-ness of our lives