Posted by on January 3, 2013

Words on wellness would be incomplete without mentioning one of the pillars of health: what we eat. Of course, there are countless views about what exactly constitutes the best nutrition plan, but in my humble opinion, this must be a personal journey. I think we can all agree that what we put into our mouths is the first step to being healthy. Because what we eat actually transforms into the cells that sustain and grow our bodies, we must choose wisely!

When we nourish ourselves primarily with foods from the Earth in their natural state, we tend to thrive. If you feel like you are a bit off course from where you want your nutritional intake to be, then gently guide yourself in the direction of the dirt…any foods that grow in the soil are generally a wise choice. Take baby steps. BE KIND with yourself. And keep moving toward feeling good in your body…not just in the moment of indulging in the taste of something decadent, but in the hours after a snack or meal…observing how you respond to that particular food and noticing if it uplifts you and makes you feel like you’re thriving.

And, finally, let your thoughts about your food be positive. If you want to eat something that may not be the healthiest choice, then do just that, make a CHOICE…and if you choose to indulge, then release guilt, because really, who does that ever help? Instead, do your best to be human rather than perfect. Decide that eating nourishing foods is a gift and a luxury rather than a restrictive diet you force yourself to follow. Indulge in the decadence of freshness and home cooked foods infused with love. Create a healthy attitude toward what you eat and appreciate the freedom to decide how you want to nurture yourself.

Tomorrow I’ll share with you some immune boosting supplements I’ve discovered over the years…til then, how can you be more tender and REAL in choosing nourishing foods for yourself and the ones you love?



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