In yoga, we call nonviolence Ahimsa, one of the first yamas, or moral imperatives on the path to enlightenment.
Images of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mother Teresa likely come to mind when we think of nonviolence. But today, I’d like you to turn your attention inward and observe yourSelf, your thoughts, your words, your deeds.
Of course, nonviolence in our world is a beautiful vision, but if we continue to carry chaos within ourselves, how can we ever expect to be part of the outward transformation that leads to harmony?
Whenever I begin teaching a yoga class, I ask my students to attend to themselves, to become the observer of their thoughts, and to notice, without judgment, what they witness.
So, now, I ask you to do the same. Can you pause for a few deep breaths and gently observe what is moving through your mind?
And now, without judgment, will you notice if your thoughts are kind and compassionate or critical and frustrated?
If you are like me, then often, when we take the time to observe our thoughts, we will realize that we have another opportunity to redirect the destructive and negative chitta, or chatter, in our minds, and replace these thoughts with loving and uplifting language.
Taking the opportunity to nurture ourselves, to practice nonviolence in our own minds, and to be kind and loving in our thoughts, is the first step toward being the change we wish to see in the world. What brilliance in Gandhi’s simple words, that we must begin by BEING what we want to see in others.
Give yourself the challenge of practicing awareness of your thoughts and choosing nonviolence toward yourself today. Are there any stories or ideas on repeat in your mind that you could CHOOSE to replace with loving, kind, compassionate thoughts about yourself?
Remember, you are the only one who decides what you think and feel and do…what choice will you make in this moment?
Photo Credit: <ahref=””>MY PINK SOAPBOX</a> via <a href=””>Compfight</a> <a href=”″>cc</a>
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