What are YOU appreciating?

Apr. 6, 2013 by

Yesterday, I shared my record of gratitude for the day. Today, I’d love to know what YOU are appreciating… What matters most to you right now? How do you feel when you give thanks? Do share and post in the comments… The

Gratitude Day #134

Apr. 5, 2013 by

Today, I give thanks. I record my gratitude and appreciation for every little thought, experience, interaction, dream, hope, challenge, and feeling in my life. Today is day #134 of this experiment. I feel transformed. I now see my life experience

Bloom Where You’re Planted!

Bloom Where You’re Planted!

Mar. 15, 2013 by

As I walked outside my home today to water our budding seeds in the garden, I felt at once awed and inspired by the inherent brilliance of nature. How incredible that LIFE is held safely inside a tiny seed, waiting

I’ve Unlocked a Secret of the Universe!

I’ve Unlocked a Secret of the Universe!

Mar. 8, 2013 by

Yes, really, I have. And it only took 15 years! Okay, so let me explain… When I was 18 years old, it was February of 1998, I was in my second year studying English at UCLA. I was having the

Mommy, Are You Okay?

Mar. 1, 2013 by

I fell. Literally. Crashed so hard to the Earth that I felt shaken to tears. I was just cruising along, my beautiful girl wrapped safely in my arms, when suddenly I found myself falling in slow motion toward an unforgiving


Feb. 7, 2013 by

Nonviolence. In yoga, we call nonviolence Ahimsa, one of the first yamas, or moral imperatives on the path to enlightenment. Images of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mother Teresa likely come to mind when we think of nonviolence.

Start With THIS

Feb. 2, 2013 by

Wake up happy. Allow time for appreciation. One hand on your heart, the other on your belly. Breathe in the richness of LIFE. Give thanks for all that is and all that is becoming. Focus on the GOOD. Take your

The BEST We Can

The BEST We Can

Jan. 25, 2013 by

Maybe it’s inevitable, maybe it’s preventable, but it feels like when we reflect on our lives, we can generally find at least one decision or experience that we now believe would have been better done differently. Or so we think.

Free Yoga

Jan. 18, 2013 by

I remember the first Saturday five years ago that I rode my bike under cerulean blue skies and the warmth of the glowing sun to a lovely space amidst five noble trees near the ocean…to practice YOGA. My dear friend,

A Hormone Story

Jan. 16, 2013 by

Have you ever faced a day that looked abysmally dark despite the beaming sun shining down upon you? Have you ever awoken to a partner who is suddenly and inexplicably despondent, irksome and full of fire? Oh, dear friends, I